Koko has a few more favorite toys. First must have, the lion -we bought this when we visited A-famosa on May this year. Since then, he started his collection. Dinosour (which i bought for him when he was ~5-6 mth old. He has never like it before), a bear (this is a birthday gift from my colleague.), and lastly the little green bear. 4 of these toys must come together, either one is missing, I'll be in trouble and need to search for him until it is found.
We seldom get him toy. As Hubby said, it's just for awhile and will be in pieces. The next toy that I would like to get for him is a lego. I think it's time for him to learn some lego skill. My worry is Didi may not be ready for this yet. And at the end, I'll be having busy time collecting the pieces around.
Oh I forgotten, another big piece of toy that he has. The iPad. Koko and Didi loves it very much. Yes, fighting to has a hand on it. Let me tell the iPad story later..